About Us

We all know that “The achievement of Bahujana monarchy” requires the strengthening of Bahujanas in all the fields of literary, cultural and economic spheres. Bahujana literature is also required to reach each & every Bahujana family. There is also a need to introduce Bahujana Leaders of mass workers' associations who is working for the betterment of society, doctors, engineers, lawyers, writers, poets, singers, artists, entrepreneurs, businessmen, administrators of voluntary organizations (NGOs), social workers and leaders of various social organizations to the society. National development means the development of literary and cultural development in all sectors of the economy.

The Details of The Mass theory of Bahujana’s like Buddhism, Phuleism, Ambedkarism, the Leaders of mass workers' associations who is working for the betterment of society, doctors, engineers, lawyers, writers, poets, singers, artists, entrepreneurs, businessmen, administrators of voluntary organizations (NGOs), social workers and the detailed information of leaders of various social organizations are being campaigned for free through master key channel and goes wide through our

website : www.bahujanbusinesspages.com .To encourage Bahujana writers in all spheres of literature, socio-cultural, economic and political and to make reach out to each Bahujana family, We have established this website : www.bahujanbazaar.in to sell Bahujan books and Bahujana products through this e-commerce website to encourage Bahujan writers in all sectors. Atheist movement leader who thought non-brahmins on the subject of religion and society with a scientific perspective, Social reformer, Rationalist Periyar Ramaswami Naikar, Periyar Ramaswamy Nayakar who was born in September 17th  is a mass inspiration from Tamil Nadu in South India. On the occasion, We are going to inaugurate the websites Bahujan Business Pages www.bahujanbusinesspages.com & Bahujan Bazaar www.bahujanbazaar.in on the birthday of Periyar Ramaswamy Naikar dated September 17th.

Therefore, every Bahujana writer, businessman, social activist, replique montre rolex and everyone concerned is urged to take advantage of this opportunity and work for the betterment of the Bahujana’s.

Jai Bheem . Jai Phule . Jai Bahujana


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